Without acknowledging God, you can claim no standard for morality...
You also cannot justify why you would get upset or feel betrayed about anything...
Because when people claim morality is a social construct, they are saying there is no standard by which it is measured...
Thus it becomes mere opinion...
No standard for knowing; no discernment possible...
It can seem irrelevant or harmless on the surface, however, one quickly realizes the serious damage that results when they see how people then choose to behave...
For example, what you may personally think is wrong someone else can think it is not, thus under such a world view, nothing has inherent meaning or purpose because you can be a murderer or a saint... no difference without a Just God that delivers Justice...
Yet still people will say "well of course I don't want to murder people! I don't need God to be a good person!..."
But that is borrowing from the world view of God's law because under a humanist, godless worldview there is no basis to be good, for there is no bad either...
It attempts to justify an opposing worldview... but you thus have nothing to be righteously principled about because its all relative...
Now you yourself I'm sure can see the various issues in that, because your conscience that glorifies God's image in you, knows intrinsically that there is objective right and wrong...
Even a 6 month old child can tell the difference between a thief and an honest person...
The issue is culture can and absolutely does shape people's identities, so they supress their conscience as they become more and more of the world, rather than closer to God...
These false world views don't work in practicality, are logically inconsistent and lead to utter destruction and desolation, as we can see in the world today...
Even many well known nihilistic philosophers had the intellectual honesty to admit their world view led to total despair and meaninglessness...
"The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good." ~Psalm 14:1
Understand that God's character is the basis and the standard for morality...and as God created all things, His moral standards are embedded in the laws of our existence...
They govern the consequences of our behaviour, not the behaviour itself, as we have free will...
I give countless examples, go and watch one of my in depth seminars or take one of my courses for the skills to discern and develop wisdom in a world of deceit...
Now without God {the One True God} there is also no such thing as justice, because everything is "a field of energy experiencing and expanding into everything and nothing all at once..."
You see how that sounds similar to the nihilistic view, just prettier?
Yeah, this is also what some like to use as an excuse for claiming evil is necessary in the world, because without evil, how would we know good, right?
Wrong. No one has to commit murder to know and understand that it is wrong...
No one has to violate a child to know and understand it is wrong...
No one has to be a victim of abuse to know and understand the wickedness of it...
So what makes anyone think a Just and Righteous God condones evil?
He doesn't. Judgement day awaits us all...
Free will requires the ability to choose from your own consciousness what you think, say and do, thus the entry of evil into the world since humans decided to choose that which is wicked in God's sight, rather than that which is Righteous...
It is also important to determine which God you believe in... because there is only One Living God {the God of the bible}, the rest are counterfeit false idols...
It is not enough to claim you "believe in a higher power" if you do not have the knowledge of that Higher Power and His laws...
For many say they believe, yet what they believe in is a version of God they made up in their minds that affirm their own world views... Again, moral decay is the result...
Morality can only be objective when it is a standard higher than humans, set by God who created all things...
God gave you life with inherent intrinsic value, your growth in life is in seeking His Wisdom and holding on to it when you come to know it;
"Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge" ~1 Timothy 6:20
Many are distracted by endless mythologies that sound intelligent but are leading people astray...
God warns not to fall for such vain babblings and to focus on His Word of Truth...
God is allowing this world to show its true colours... this is why we see all the darkness and evil not even being done in secret anymore... It is right in your face, all day every day...They have no shame...
We are witnessing much hostility against the One True God, hatred of wisdom and truth... Just remember that He decides the time for repayment on Judgment day...
Haven't you noticed Hollywood's obsession with things like cosmic judgment, justice court hearings, Armageddon type dystopian movies?
...Yeah, they are not "predicting" anything... They are reading the bible and portraying the prophetic things to come, but from their wicked and evil lense...
I'll let you in on a secret though, the wicked don't favour well in the end...
For vengeance is God's and all shall receive their due judgement for their works...
"To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence" ~Deuteronomy 32:35
Putting your trust in God and His Word is your protection, denying Him is your demise...
Don't buy in to the lies of the wicked, listen to the wisdom of the Good...
" The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.
"Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death." ~Proverbs 11:3-4
God is wisdom. His wisdom is eternal... and available to you at your fingertips...
The question is, are you willing to listen and learn from God, or would you rather lean on your own understanding?
Til next time,